Basic hashing functionality

nxs_hash.h More...


 Decimal format string for hash values.
 Hexadecimal format string for hash values.
#define NXS_HASH_T_MAX
 Maximum supported value in a nxs_hash_t object.


typedef nxs_hash_t(* nxs_hash_function )(const void *, size_t)
 Function pointer type for hashing generic data of the given size in bytes.
typedef uint_fast32_t nxs_hash_t
 Abstract type for hashes.


nxs_hash_t hash_lookup3 (const void *data, size_t length)
 Hashes the first length bytes of data using the lookup3 algorithm.

Detailed Description


This module uses a slightly modified version of lookup3.c created by Bob Jenkins on May 2006 and released into public domain.
Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2007-11-25. Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.

Define Documentation


Decimal format string for hash values.

This does not include the % character or any extraneous specifiers.


Hexadecimal format string for hash values.

This does not include the % character or any extraneous specifiers.

#define NXS_HASH_T_MAX

Maximum supported value in a nxs_hash_t object.

Typedef Documentation

typedef nxs_hash_t(* nxs_hash_function)(const void *, size_t)

Function pointer type for hashing generic data of the given size in bytes.


Abstract type for hashes.

Always unsigned and at least 32 bits in size.

Function Documentation

nxs_hash_t hash_lookup3 ( const void *  data,
size_t  length 

Hashes the first length bytes of data using the lookup3 algorithm.

Generated on Thu Dec 20 13:42:46 2007 for NXS Toolkit by  doxygen 1.5.4